Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Exposure †creative personal writing Essay

A quick, stealthy character moves across the office, photocopying top secret files. The information was very damaging stuff. He leaves as quickly as he enters. Who is this person? Why does he want this information? Will the press get hold of it? The Rayman walked down an alley, on the way to his hide-out. He was a short man, who had brown hair with flecks of grey. In places he was going bald, he had shaven his hair very short. He had a well shaven beard. His face was an average face with brown eyes. He wore brown trousers, with black shoes. On the top he wore a brown, well-ironed polo shirt. Over it he wore a leather jacket. When he was around people he walked with a limp. This hid his true identity. He got to his house, flicked on the televison to the news. He now heard about a break in at 10 Downing Street. Also he heard about the top secret documents that have been stolen. The next day he decided he wants these secret documents. He needed a team of mastermind criminals to work with. He got one of his closest colleagues, Rumbo. His plan was to get arrested with all these other mastermind criminals. He and his colleagues have been informed about a truck transporting guns around for the army. The Rayman and Rumbo were on the trail of the truck. The truck took a left down a empty road. The Rayman put his foot on the accelerator and zoomed past the truck then did a handbrake turn straight in front of the truck. The two of them jumped out of the car with their balaclavas on. They were both holding automatic shotguns, with the barrels sawn off. The Rayman opened the door on the drivers side and blew the drivers head off. Rumbo did the same to the passenger. The Rayman put the bodies in the back and started the truck up while Rumbo drove the other car off. The two of them met up again on the edge of the of the river. Here they moved all the guns from the truck into the car. Quickly they set light to the truck and pushed it into the river. Next, they drove back to the Rayman’s warehouse and offloaded the guns and hid them under the floor boards. Now they blew their car up. There was now no hard evidence on them. One of the biggest police investigations took place to find the murders. The police arrested the Rayman, along with Peat, The Accountant and Amen. The four were put in a cell together. It was here the Rayman put the proposal to them of getting the document. Peat and The Accountant thought it was a great idea. The problem was that Amen was going straight. Over the next two hours they tried to explain that it was good idea to get the documents. Amen’s girlfriend was a very good lawyer and got the four of them out quicker than the Rayman expected. Once out the Rayman cornered down Amen. At first Amen was reluctant to join the group. After a few slaps and a good two hours Amen was persuaded to join the group. Amen went home told his girlfriend that he was going to London to get these files. She decided to leave him. This filled Amen with rage against the Rayman. The next day the four of them went on a road trip to London. In London the four of them met up with some of their contacts. They met up at Ventura Hill at 8pm. Jack and Jill had followed them here from Liverpool and were watching them. The contacts told them of this up and coming gangster, the Shadow. He was one of the best thieves in England. The group were informed by Rumbo about a drug shipment, to a rival gang leader Jack the Hat. They contacted the Shadow and ask him to help them steal the drugs. The shadow was extremely keen to work with the hardcore gangsters. Jack and Jill found out about their plans and had the police lined up to arrest everyone, at the ship. Meanwhile Rumbo had come down to help and supply the guns. They were ready to attack the ship and infiltrated the ship through the cargo hole. The Rayman told Amen to stay out of the action and hide in the boxes. The Shadow shot the first person. Soon after that the gunfight opened up and it was a dangerous place. The Rayman followed the Shadow. When they where alone he attacked the shadow and got him to tell him where the secret documents were. â€Å"Tell me where the documents are before I blast you to the pearly gates† says the Rayman. â€Å"They’re in a sailing boat† says the Shadow. â€Å"WHICH ONE?† says the Rayman. â€Å"Enterprise K40421, at the mariner† says the Shadow. Bang! the Rayman shoots the Shadow in the head. Then the police turn up and arrest everyone who is alive. The only person left is the Rayman, who got out and hide near the ship. When the Rayman was arrested he used his real name David Edwards. The good thing was that David Edwards had no criminal record to give the police a harder time. The only witness left was a dying captain and all he could say was â€Å"Rayman, Rayman†. The police’s first question was, â€Å"What happened†. The story David Edwards told goes something like this. â€Å"Have you heard of the Shadow? Well he was the one who stole the secret documents. The Rayman had the idea of getting them off him. He told us the idea when we all were arrested.† says David Edwards. â€Å"So who was the Rayman?† says Jack. â€Å"Amen, he said he was going straight so it would be less likely it was him. Anyway, I went along because I had no choice in the matter. The plan was to attack this ship bringing in drugs. While doing this the Rayman will get the secret documents and a lot of drugs. While doing this I hid behind some boxes so as not to get involved† says David Edwards † So you just got mixed up with the group because we arrested you? Well, I only have one choice, to let you go,† says Jack. David Edwards walks out the police station. Then straight away stops walking with a limp. He gets into a cab and goes to the mariner. Here he finds Enterprise K40421. Under the front he finds a brief case. There is no code to put in. He presses the two buttons, â€Å"Click, Click†. On the top of the brief case in big writing is a sign, which says ‘Have a nice day’. Kaboom.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Management and Negotiating Conflict Style Essay

1. Hastings had a reputation of being hard headed, and not being able to take criticism. He used the autocratic style to push for his ways of doing things. They said he would sometimes embarrass employees, and roll his eyes at them. And when they had an idea he might call their ideas â€Å"dumb ideas†. He was so bad at this he actually established the nickname â€Å"Animal†. Hastings was young when he developed Pure Software, after establishing it he realized he didn’t like the man he had become or the business he had created. He sold Pure for $750 million and changed his ways when he moved on to his new company Netflix. At Netflix Hastings was a new man; he changed his use of communications in sending and receiving messages in many ways. At Netflix, Hastings was much more kind and open to new ideas. He changed his way of talking to employees and you can tell by the rise in stock and Hastings being named Businessperson of the year in 2010. 2. He changed his use of feedback by listening to his employees and thier ideas, and when he didn’t understand he would say, â€Å" help me understand your idea, tell me why this will work.† Instead of just rolling his eyes and acting high and mighty like he did and his previous company Pure. 3. Hastings coaching style at Pure was poor; he wanted to change that when he created Netflix. He defiantly improved his coaching guidelines in the following ways; He started giving praise and recognition, not criticizing, and giving specific and descriptive feedback. 4. I feel Hastings used two different styles one at Pure and one at Netflix. I feel the style he used at Pure was more of a Forcing Conflict style. When I read the case I got the impression that Hastings didn’t care what his Pure employees thought about him it was more of a I win you Lose attitude which is what the Forcing Conflict Style is all about. With Netflix on the other hand I feel like he went for more of the Negotiating Conflict Style the more I win some, you win some. He cared more about his employees and how they felt. That is just my opinion but I guess if I had to pick just one style he used in both of them I would pick the Forcing Conflict Style because Hastings still ran a tight ship and at the end of the day he was always going to end up a winner. 5. The Conflict  management style used by Netflix was Collaborating Conflict Style. It is the best solution agreeable to all parties. Joining forces with Epix was a good deal for both of them. That’s why I feel the Collaborating Approach was the style used. 6. I am currently a Netflix user; I have been for many years. They are getting better and better every year. I really have no complaints, they have every show that I like to watch, and it is always very quick for me. I think the price is fair, and they let you watch it on every device you own. I as a customer have absolutely no complaints. 7. I think the Group Level of Analysis was used. This level focuses on the relationship between the leaders and the collective group of followers. They focus on how a leader contributes to group effectiveness. Hastings used the Management paradigm by being concerned with stability, and finding out the best way to get the job done. He was able to lead through others, and create favorable conditions for success. He was a very successful leader too; there is no good manager that is not a good leader as well.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Adolescent health screenGCU

Health History and Screening of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client Save this form on your computer as a Microsoft Word document. You can expand or shrink each area as you need to include the relevant data for your client. Student Name: Date: January 28, 2014 Biographical Data Patient/Client Initials: Phone No: N/A Address: Birth Date: Age: 12Sex: f Birthplace: Upland, CA. Marital Status: Single Race/Ethnic Origin: Caucasian Occupation: StudentEmployer:N/A Financial Status: (Income adequate for lifestyle and/or health concerns. Is there a source of health insurance? Employment disability? ) Insurance provided by parent Source and Reliability of Informant: Informant: Client, Reliable Past Use of Health Care System and Health Seeking Behaviors: Routine exams and vaccinations Present Health or History of Present Illness: Present health is good Past Health History General Health: (Patient’s own words) â€Å"I only get sick when my little brother brings something home† Allergies: (include food and medication allergies) NKA Reaction: Current Medications: N/A Last Exam Date: 8/2013Immunizations: 8/2013 Childhood Illnesses: UTI Serious or Chronic Illnesses: N/A Past Health Screening (see â€Å"Well Young Adult Behavior Health Assessment History Screening† below) Past Accidents or Injuries: None Past Hospitalizations: none Past Operations: none Family History (Specify which family member is affected. ) Alcoholism (ETOH use/abuse): Maternal grandfather Allergies:Mother and brother-seasonal; maternal grandmother- penicillin Arthritis:N/A Asthma: Maternal Aunt Blood Disorders:N/A Breast Cancer:Maternal great grandmother Cancer (Other): Bladder- maternal grat uncle Cerebral Vascular Accident (Stroke):Paternal grandfather Diabetes:Maternal grandfather Heart Disease:N/A High Blood Pressure:Father Immunological Disorders:N/A Kidney Disease:N/A Mental Illness:N/A Neurological Disorder:N/A Obesity:N/A Seizure Disorder:N/A Tuberculosis:N/A Obstetric History (if applicable) Gravida:N/ATerm:Preterm:Ab/incomplete: Course of Pregnancy (length of pregnancy, delivery date, method of delivery, length of labor, complications, baby’s weight, baby’s condition): Well Young Adult Behavioral Health History Screening Socio-Demographic Content and Questions: What organizations or activities (community, school, church, lodge, social, professional, academic, sports) are you involved in? Softball, GATE, Science club, and Soccer How would you describe your community? â€Å"It’s nice. Sometimes it gets boring but I like it here. † Hobbies, skills, interests, recreational activities? â€Å"I like making crafts like bracelets and I also like to make things out of colorful duct tape. † Military service: Yes_______ No_x______ If yes, overseas assignment? Yes________ No_________ Close friends or family members who have died within past 2 years? N/A Number of relatives or close friends in this area? â€Å"Most of my family and all my friends live around me. I only have two uncle that live far away {San Diego}†. Marital status: Single_x_____ Married________Divorced_________Separated_________ In serious relationship________ Length of time_________ Environmental Content and Questions: Do you live alone? Yes________ No __x______ When did you last move? â€Å"My mom moved 3 years ago and my dad moved 2 years ago. † Describe your living situation? Number of years of education completed? 6 Occupation? Student If employed, how long? Are you satisfied with this work situation? Do you consider your work dangerous or risky? Is your work stressful? Over the past 2 years have you felt depressed or hopeless? No Biophysical Content and Questions Have you smoked cigarettes? Yes_______ No___x_____ How much? Less than ? pack per day_____ About 1 pack per day? ______ More than 1 and ? packs per day______ Are you smoking now? Yes_______ No________ Length of time smoking? ______________ Have you ever smoked illicit drugs? Yes__________ No___x______ If yes, for how long? ___________ Do you smoke these now? Yes__________ No __________ Do you ingest illicit drugs of any kind? Yes_________ No___x_______ If so, what drugs do you use and what is the route of ingestion? _________ How long have you used these drugs _________________ Review of Systems (Include both past and current health problems. Comment on all present issues. ) General Health State (present weight – gain or loss, reason for gain or loss, amount of time for gain or loss; fatigue, malaise, weakness, sweats, night sweats, chills ): Good Skin (history of skin disease, pigment or color change, change in mole, excessive dryness or moisture, pruritis, excessive bruising, rash or lesion): Seasonal dryness Health Promotion (Sun exposure? Skin care products? ): Does not wear sunscreen Hair (recent loss or change in texture): No change Health Promotion (method of self-care, products used for care): Washes hair 4 times a week but conditions daily Nails (change in color, shape, brittleness): No change Health Promotion (method of self-care, products used for care): Wears nail polish Head (unusual headaches, frequency of headaches, head injury, dizziness, syncope or vertigo): Dizziness when drinks coffee Eyes (difficulty or change in vision, decreased acuity, blurring, blind spots, eye pain, diplopia, redness or swelling, watering or discharge, glaucoma or cataracts): Recent change in glasses prescription Health Promotion (wears glasses or contacts and reason, last vision check, last glaucoma check, sun protection): Wears glasses at all times Ears (earaches, infections, discharge and its characteristics, tinnitus or vertigo): No history of aches or infections Health Promotion (hearing loss, hearing aid use, environmental noise exposure, methods for cleaning ears): Uses q-tips for daily cleaning Nose and Sinuses (discharge and its characteristics, frequent or severe colds, sinus pain, nasal obstruction, nosebleeds, seasonal allergies, change in sense of smell): Within normal limits Health Promotion (methods for cleaning nose): Blows nose when congested. Mouth and Throat (mouth pain, sore throat, bleeding gums, toothache, lesions in mouth, tongue, or throat, dysphagia, hoarseness, tonsillectomy, alteration in taste): Within normal limits Health Promotion (Daily dental care – brushing, flossing. Use of prosthetics – bridges, dentures. Last dental exam/check-up. ):Brushes once to twice a day, but does not floss. Sees dentist q 6mo. Neck (pain, limitation of motion, lumps or swelling, enlarged or tender lymph nodes, goiter): Within normal limits Neurologic System (history of seizure disorder, syncopal episodes, CVA, motor function or coordination disorders/abnormalities, paresthesia, mood change, depression, memory disorder, history of mental health disorders): Within normal limits Health Promotion (activities to stimulate thinking, exam related to mood changes/depression): In accelerated programs at school (GATE) Endocrine System (history of diabetes or insulin resistance, history of thyroid disease, intolerance to heat or cold): Within normal limits Health Promotion (last blood glucose test and result, diet): No history of glucose testing. Admits to eating candy 3-4 times a day. Breast and Axilla (pain, lump, tenderness, swelling, rash, nipple discharge, any breast surgery): Within normal limits Health Promotion (performs breast self-exam – both male and female, last mammogram and results, use of self-care products): Does not perform self breast exams Respiratory System (History of lung disease, smoking, chest pain with breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath, cough – productive or nonproductive. Sputum – color and amount. Hemoptysis, toxin or pollution exposure. ): Within normal limits Health Promotion (last chest x-ray, smoking cessation): No history of chest x-ray, has never smoked Cardiac System (history of cardiac disease, MI, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, chest pain, angina): Within normal limits Health Promotion (last cardiac exam): No history of cardiac exam Peripheral Vascular System (coldness, numbness, tingling, swelling of legs/ankles, discoloration of hands/feet, varicose veins, intermittent claudication, thrombophlebitis or ulcers): Within normal limits Health Promotion (avoid crossing legs, avoid sitting/standing for long lengths of time, promote wearing of support hose):Stays physically active Hematologic System (bleeding tendency of skin or mucous membranes, excessive bruising, swelling of lymph nodes, blood transfusion and any reactions, exposure to toxic agents or radiation): Within normal limits Health Promotion (use of standard precautions when exposed to blood/body fluids): No exposure to blood/body fluids Gastrointestinal System (appetite, food intolerance, dysphagia, heartburn, indigestion, pain [with eating or other], pyrosis, nausea, vomiting, history of abdominal disease, gastric ulcers, flatulence, bowel movement frequency, change in stool [color, consistency], diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding): Occasional diarrhea. BM once to twice per day Health Promotion (nutrition – quality/quantity of diet; use of antacids/laxatives): Admits to poor diet consisting of processed and fast food. Home cooked meals consumed 3 times a week. Musculoskeletal System (history of arthritis, joint pain, stiffness, swelling, deformity, limitation of motion, pain, cramps or weakness): Within normal limits Health Promotion (mobility aids used, exercises, walking, effect of limited range of motion): Exercise achieved in PE at school and softball practice. Urinary System (recent change, frequency, urgency, nocturia, dysuria, polyuria, oliguria, hesitancy or straining, urine color, narrowed stream, incontinence; history of urinary disease; pain in flank, groin, suprapubic region or low back): Within normal limits Health Promotion (methods used to prevent urinary tract infections, use of feminine hygiene products, Kegel exercises):Wipes front to back to prevent UTI Male Genital System (penis or testicular pain, sores or lesions, penile discharge, lumps, hernia): N/A Health Promotion (performs testicular self-exam): Female Genital System (menstrual history, age of first menses, last menstrual cycle, frequency of cycles, premenstrual pain, vaginal itching, discharge, premenopausal symptoms, age at menopause, postmenopausal bleeding): No menses. Within normal limits Health Promotion (last gynecological checkup, pap-smear and results, use of feminine hygiene products): No gynecologic check-up history or feminine products used. Sexual Health (presently involved in relationship involving intercourse or other sexual activity, aspects of sex satisfactory, use of contraceptive, is relationship monogamous, history of STD): Not sexually active Health Promotion (safe-sex practices): Will be starting sexual education course in school in two weeks. Nursing Diagnoses: Based on this health history and health screening, identify three nursing diagnoses that would be applicable for this client as well as your rationale for your selection of each nursing diagnosis. Include: One â€Å"actual† nursing diagnosis with rationale for choice of this diagnosis. Imbalanced nutrition; less than body requirements R/T consumption of fast/processed foods daily AEB adolescent’s statements. Consumption of fast food in adolescents has increased rapidly since the 1970’s and it is estimated that 75% of American adolescent eat fast food 1 or more times per week (Ebbeling, et. al, 2004). Fast food has been linked to childhood obesity and T2DM. These processed meals contain little nutritional value, are not balanced, and provide empty calories. As with this adolescent, fast food is a inexpensive option for a quick meal. As a child of divorced parents, her mother works and is often in need of a quick and low cost meal for her and her children. One wellness nursing diagnosis with rationale for choice of this diagnosis. Readiness for enhanced nutrition R/T improving food choices AEB adolescent’s desire to change diet and recent diagnosis of grandfather’s T2DM. Family history of T2DM is a major contributing risk factor in the development of the disease (Valdez, 2009). Adolescents are at an age where they can make their own food choices but lack the ability to acquire funds to purchase food. While discussing her diet, the adolescent stated that there are healthier food options she could make, even if they come from a fast food establishment. One â€Å"risk for† nursing diagnosis based on the health screening with rationale for choice of this diagnosis. Risk for impaired skin integrity R/T lack of sun screen use and UV exposure AEB frequent sun burns. â€Å"Extended sun exposure in childhood and adolescents increases the probability of skin cancer in adulthood† (Saridi, et. al, 2013). While discussing sun exposure and the dangers of skin cancer, she stated â€Å"That’s an older person’s problem. † A lack of education of the dangers and the â€Å"It won’t happen to me† attitude are contributing factors in her noncompliance with sun protection.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Articles of Confedration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Articles of Confedration - Essay Example The Articles of Confederation served as the actual system of government which was used by the Congress till the time it became de jure by final sanction in the year 1781. It was then that the Congress became the Congress of the Confederation at that time. The Articles of Confederation basically prescribed the rules that went in the different operations of the US Confederation. What these Articles of Confederation did were to plan different issues like the aspects of discussing war and ordering the army to go ahead with the attack processes, negotiating different matters pertaining to diplomatic agreements and the like as well as resolving the problems that came in the way of the western territories and this indeed was a huge issue if seen in the proper contexts. Also what the Articles of Confederation did was to undertake proper measures which could understand the borrowing aspects related with the inside and outside of US that were taking place. There were some criticisms as well which came in the way of the Articles of Confederation. One such was that the critics raised different viewpoints in the wake of the creation of a mighty central state as it was thought of to be lacking a taxing authority and related basis. Thus the role of the federal government in such a situation is to ask for more and more funds from the different states. Then there was another ambiguity in the form of a concern that the one-state, one-vote aspect was somewhat mind-boggling to state the least and it created problems for the Articles of Confederation’s basis by all measures and means. There needed to be a change within the relevant basis so that the Articles of Confederation could be thought of as being pretty easier and less ambiguous than anything else. The larger states were requested to offer more than what the smaller states had to give at the end of the

Electrical Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Electrical Science - Essay Example From the current divider rule, the current flowing in a circuit divides itself according to the ratio of the resistance. For a two resistor circuit comprised of resistors R1 and R2 the current through R2 is given by; .. 16V-9I1+9I3-12I3=0 16-9I1-3I3=0 Loop 2 I312- {(I3- I2)5}-(I2 8)=0 12I3-5I3+5I2-8I2= 0 7I3-3I2= 0 Loop 3 {(I1-I3) 9}+ {(I3- I2) 5}-{(I1-I2) 6}=0 9I1-9I3+5I3-5I2-6I1+6I2=0 3I1- 4I3 + I2=0 Solving the three equations 16-9I1-3I3=0 (i) 7I3-3I2= 0 (ii) 3I1- 4I3 + I2=0 (iii) Solving the simultaneous equations From equation (ii) 7I3=3I2 (iv) Substituting equation (iv) to equation (iii) we get; 3I1- 4I3 + =0 3I1-1.67I3=0 (v) Solving equation 1 and (v) 16-9I1-3I3=0 3I3+9I1= 16 (vi) 3I1-1.67I3=0 (vii) Multiplying equation (Vii) by 3 we get 9I1-5I3=0 9I1+3I3=16 Subtracting the two equations to eliminate I1 we get -8I3=-16 I3= 2 Solving for I1 we get 9I1 +6=16 I1= Solving for I2 we get = Therefore the current through the 5 ohm resistor is given by IR2= I3- I2 IR2= 2-4.67 = -2.67 Meaning that the current flows in the opposite direction as shown in the figure below IR2= 2-4.67 = -2.67 QUESTION 3 Question 3.1 Theory For an AC circuit connected in series as shown below The impendence Z is given by: Z= R+ j X Z is the impedance R is the resistance X is the reactance The reactance of a circuit comprises of the capacitive reactance and the inductive reactance and is given by X=XL-XC Where X is the reactance XL is the inductive reactance given by XC is the capacitive reactance CalculationsCapacitive reactance= = = 15.92 Inductive reactance = = 47.1 H The magnitude of impedance = Z= 31.75 Question 3.1 b Theory For a RLC ac circuit with the XL being greater than XC , the current leads the voltage and the phasor diagram is as shown below; The phase angle is given by; The power factor for an ac circuit is given by Power factor = The power of a single phase circuit is given by

Saturday, July 27, 2019

E-Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

E-Business - Essay Example When it comes to business to business e-commerce, there is more to selling and profit making. The strategy is relationship driven. B2B businesses use marketing to inform different companies in the target market because the verdict to procure is typically a multi-step procedure involving more than an individual. For example, the aim of an email campaign for B2B is to make prospects to the net to find out more about ones goods and services. The sharing of educational and awareness business activities strengthens a business’s position in the market. The most difficult challenge in e-commerce is the issue on privacy. As much as online marketing and shopping sites have increased its private policies, it is becoming extremely tasking to be to deal with privacy issue. For a long time, hacking cases have hit major companies like the Master card and McDonalds which compromise data safety. To curb this, it is recommended to provide consumers with an easy way to comprehend private policy so as to, know what to share and with whom. This also provides the consumer with the knowledge of the depth of information they should share (Fletcher, Bell and McNaughton,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Reflective Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Reflective Portfolio - Essay Example This reflection has been drawn from my experiences from working in a group with fellow classmates who have different character traits, seeing how I fit in and respond to various situations and consequently the end result of our working together. My ability to form judgments on these various areas has been drawn from reading scholarly work by Kolb on learning styles; along with Belbin’s Self-Perception Inventory. Ultimately, the learning process will have been improved as I will able to consider what I have learnt and relate it to my personality as I endeavor to get into the job market and this knowledge will help me better myself as a student with my career in mind; thus achieve professional development. Section I: Intrapersonal Effectiveness In establishing my effectiveness in an organizational setting, I have sought out reference for such knowledge from Kolb’s work on learning styles. Kolb explores the theory of experiential learning to determine how this knowledge im proves learning in higher education. He establishes that this theory is based on six propositions that are shared by the scholars who have previously researched the issue. The first is that learning is best actualized as a process not in terms of outcomes, where students should be engaged so as to get feedback and examine effectiveness of their learning efforts. Education should then be looked at as having the same goal and process of reconstructing experiences continuously. Looking into my personal learning experiences through this unit, I have come to see that I am a visual learner where illustrations such as charts and diagrams help me understand a concept better and remember it later on. Effective learning is achieved through repeating the process whilst adding new ideas, knowledge that are then examined, tested and combined to previous material. All this should be done with the student’s beliefs and ideas on a topic being explored. This second proposition is essential as it allows for refinement of the entire learning process to ensure it is beneficial to each student (Kolb& Kolb 2005, p.194). Personally, this became clear in the course of this unit where I discovered that developing a relation to every new topic with a previous one allows for integration in my mind. This means that I can create a mental picture of the whole unit with each topic in perspective. The usefulness of this proposition is that allows a student to be adaptable and embracing to new topics that may be challenging, which is a crucial intrapersonal skill. Practiced over time, this relearning process will enable me to always be willing to discover and seek out new information and work-related skills that will in turn help me excel in my career. The third proposition involves getting equipped with conflict-resolving skills as learning involves interacting with opposing modes of adaptation to the world that result in differences, disagreements and conflicts. One should thus be pr epared to engage in fruitful contentions in styles of reflection, thinking and feeling. Through this course, I have realized that even though business shares several universal principles every entrepreneur will have a different viewpoint on which principle surpasses the rest. For instance, I believe that when I decide to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Report Based Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

A Report Based Assignment - Essay Example The juxtaposition of the personal and professional is central to professional and ethical practise. This report will concentrate on the application of theories to nursing practise. It will deal with the importance of applying theories in clinical settings and the effects this can have on quality of care. Barriers to using theory in practise will be explored, as will the roles that practitioners, managers, theorists and educators can play in encouraging the development and use of theory-rooted practise. The use of ‘planned change’ strategies will also be discussed. It is a truism that theories are not being used in a systematic way to guide the delivery of client care. Many writers also acknowledge that the link between theories and practise is necessary for nursing’s claim to be the provider of professional care. For instance, Chalmers (1989) argues that, without a strong orientation towards the work of theorists and the work of practitioners, the basic requirements for a profession are missing. Botha (49-55) supports this argument and goes further by stating that only if we are able to prove that this link exists will we be ‘legitimate contenders’ for professional status. Previously, nursing practise has been inclined by traditional knowledge passed down through generations by unconfirmed report and in published textbooks. Without methodical confirmation for practise, nurses have done the best they could in the patients importance. Much of the nursing care offered has been rooted on own knowledge and the knowledges of nurses and others who have left before. Even today, much of mental health nursing practise is still grounded in tradition, disorganised experiment and mistake, and authority, rather than being rooted on sound experimental studies (Wilson, 42-56). Certainly, some mental health nursing knowledge approaches from "Old Wives Tales," reflecting the viewpoints of women from former days.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International Financial Management final Assignment

International Financial Management final - Assignment Example The Swiss franc’s value and euro’s value are expected to be $0.83 and $1.29 respectively, at the end this year. What are the expected dollar cash flows of Live Co? 6. Assuming the bid rate of a New Zealand dollar is $.36 while the ask rate is $.365 at Bank X. Assume the bid rate of the New Zealand dollar is $.33 while the ask rate is $.34 at Bank Y. Given this information, what would be your gain if you use $1,000,000 and execute locational arbitrage? That is, how much will you end up with over and above the $1,000,000 you started with? 7. Briefly explain the theory of interest rate parity. If interest rate parity holds what type of arbitrage is not feasible? You may wish to utilize a chart to explain when arbitrage opportunities exist and who can take advantage of the arbitrage. The theory of interest rate parity entails a situation where the difference of interest rates between two given countries is equal to the difference of spot exchange rate and the forward exchange rate. Thus, if the theory of interest rate parity holds, an arbitrage will not be feasible if the spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate markets are in state of equilibrium. In contrast, if the spot exchange rate and forward exchange rate markets are in state of equilibrium, the arbitrage will be feasible. 8. Assume that Mexico’s inflation rate is lower than the U.S. inflation rate. This will cause U.S. consumers to increase their imports from Mexico and Mexican consumers to reduce their imports from the U.S. According to purchasing power parity (PPP), this will result in a depreciation of the Mexico Peso. 9. The interest rate in the U.K. is 4%, while the interest rate in the U.S. is 5%. The spot rate for the British pound is $1.50. According to the international Fisher effect (IFE), the British pound should adjust to a new level of: The British

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

5 - Assignment Example It is mentioned that it is important not only to attract and employ the top talent but also provide them with a suitable work environment that is considerate of their needs as professionals (Clark). With the advent of technology, the fresh graduates from top colleges are tech savvy and require independence as far as work is concerned. Thus, in order to satisfy them organizations need to break their cultural mindset and be more flexible towards conditions that complement  their  performance. The article suggests that the procurement leader needs to be opening minded so as to how to make each member of his team feel at ease. Since the millennial have always been technologically savvy and require technologically sound facilities that can facilitate their work process, the leaders of procurement teams should accommodate them and allow them the discretion of doing things their way to a certain extent and recognize them for the outcome of their work. Today’s professionals are generally inquisitive about the why aspect of every decision and require a logical backing for every instruction they are given. Technology might increase their work efficiency and time consumption rate but their thought process is also enhance d as a result thus they prefer to work in organizations that are transparent and have their decisions clearly laid out for all the participants to reason, comprehend and ultimately act upon them effectively. Another aspect covered in the chosen article is that of continuous training and development. Professionals of today seek organizations that provide them with the adequate training that hones and nurtures their existing knowledge and help them gain sustainable knowledge that is periodically enhanced through training sessions In a nutshell the article suggests that the procurement leaders need to be open to change and strive to continuously equip their organization and teams with the

Biology Pearson Textbook Homework Questions Essay Example for Free

Biology Pearson Textbook Homework Questions Essay a.There are several differences between RNA and DNA is that are key. DNA has deoxyribose sugar while RNA has ribose sugar. Secondly b.RNA is generally single stranded and not double stranded. Lastly RNA contains uracil in place of thymine. c.The three types of RNA are messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA. Messenger RNA is the â€Å"mirror image† of the DNA that encodes the amino acid sequence for the protein specified by the gene. The Transfer RNA transfers the amino acids to the ribosomes from coded messages. Ribosomal RNA helps build the proteins on the ribosome. d.The reason that so many RNA molecules are produced more than DNA molecules because you only have two copies of DNA in one cell. If only two proteins could be produced at a time it would take the cell a much longer time to do the functions that it needs to perform. 2. a.During transcription segments of DNA serve as templates to produce complementary RNA molecules. b.I think that the mRNA would not code properly for the correct protein so none of the functions could occur properly. No proteins could be made without the mRNA. 3.RNA George a.I am unspecialized and am very willing and capable to do any job. I can be used in the messenger, transfer, and building proteins areas of work. As a messenger I can encode the protein sequence that is given to me from the genes. As a â€Å"transferist† I can transfer the amino acids to the ribosomes. Finally as an rRNA I can assemble proteins. Please consider my application.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Costco Wholesale in 2012 Essay Example for Free

Costco Wholesale in 2012 Essay Costco is one of United States’ largest retailers, serving over 3600 variants of convenience products at excellent quality with competent prices. Founded in 1983, Costco quickly expanded in its operations to over 598 stores worldwide. One of the unique selling propositions of Costco is the fact that they offer very low prices as compared to their competitors without requiring to compromise quality. This paper will analyze Costco’s key success factors in terms of its strategic management. Business Model Costco’s business model is simple and straightforward; they offer high quality products at affordable rates. The centerpiece of Costco’s model entails high sales volume and rapid inventory turnover. Costco enjoys high inventory turnover which means that they don’t need to stock a particular good for long period of time. Also, before they need to pay the suppliers, they are able to sell it. Which means, they are able to pay suppliers with the cash derived from sales, leading to low working capital. This shows significance in financial health and good financial management. This kind of business model is appealing for several reasons; low prices can generate high number of customers, indicates healthy operations, encourage rapid turnover, decrease warehouse costs and many more. However, in order to keep up with this business model, Costco needs to continually maintain overhead costs, which will be discussed further into the paper. Strategy Costco’s low pricing strategy highly depends upon several factors. In terms of pricing, they offer bargain products at low prices. Their earnings highly come from membership fees, over which members can join in an annual subscription and enjoy promotional rates as members. Even though Costco enjoys less profit margins, they have high number of annual members and earn their profit by membership revenues. In terms of product, their Kirkland Signature is also of good quality as a representation of their brand. They are also ready to experience loss of sales by customers who do not want to purchase in larger quantities. Treasure-hunt merchandising is also a smart  method to continually renew their product lines to encourage members to purchase the item right away in fear of not having them available at the next visit. Jim Sinegal and Core Values as CEO Jim Sinegal shows good examples of leadership as a CEO. He conducts an open-door policy which makes him accessible to staff, thereby increasing employee motivation. Jim also conducts regular store visits as opposed to working at a desk, which shows his willingness to step down to the field to help improve the store. The business environment is made to be causal and unpretentious, so employees feel sense of belonging and are often committed to the organization, in benefit of themselves and the company. Low employee turnover shows the compatibility of the employees and the company, which means that the corporate culture can be maintained or enhanced. Financial Perspective We have come to understand that Costco achieves much of their revenue from membership renewals. Observing the financial data, we see that Costco’s membership fees if four times over from 2000 up to 2011. This signifies their proficiency in making member packages attractive. Their actions in prioritizing members have been successful as we see that members are continually signing up. Therefore, membership is encouraged to be sustained. However, we see that sales also increase significantly over the years, almost 3 times over. Therefore, we can conclude that despite having less marketing activities, Costco is able to attract customers by emphasizing on price efficiency. Their working capital ration (current assets minus current liabilities) is kept at a low level due to high inventory turnover. Competitive Advantage over Competitors A key competitive advantage owned by Costco over its competitors is, without a doubt, their low prices. Although they do not invest much in store layout, store ambiance, labor and marketing, they have low overhead costs which contributes to being able to keep prices low. Also, they offer a wide array of product categories from food products to gasoline, although within a product category, they offer less brands than usual retailers (Llopis, 2011). Strategic Weaknesses in Comparison to Competitors The fact that Costco carries only 3600 selections of merchandises could potentially be a major flaw in their strategy. Generally, other stores carry over 10.000 selections. Customers may initially feel the thrill of shopping at cheap prices at Costco but could eventually dislike the lack of choices in terms of brands and may choose to shop at stores with larger varieties. Secondly, Costco spend less for advertisements and rely on word-of-mouth and certain campaigns. However, their competitors, Sam’s Club and BJ’s Wholesale Club spend much more on advertisements. Presently, Costco’s financial conditions show steady results in sales but the power of marketing is such that customers may choose to shop elsewhere for various reasons. It is also important to note that customers’ switching costs (from Costco to another) is relatively low. Compensations Policies Costco offers attractive compensations as compared to their competitors. The employee benefits covers all aspects such as fixed wages, health benefits, medicinal discounts, eligibility for company profits, counseling services and many more. At a quick glance, we notice that Costco spends much on compensation, despite the comparatively lower amount of labor, due to the vast varieties of compensations. In my opinion, it shows good corporate culture to take care of employees. In most companies, CEOs are the first ones to be rewarded with sky-high numbers. It is different in the case with Costco, where CEOs are paid enough without failing to reward employees appropriately. Conclusions and Recommendations Although from a management and operation point of view, Costco is doing everything to a tee, there are several recommendations provided to further improve its performance: Increase product lines to above 3600 in order to compete in terms of product choice with their competitors, especially after understanding that customers’ switching costs are low. Costco already has a big advantage in terms of prices and can do wonders when they also hold product advantage. Prepare some funds for marketing. Branding and brand awareness are two of the most important factors for warehouses to remain sustainable in the market to be seen as reliant. With more marketing, Costco can retain top-of-mind positioning as the â€Å"place to shop† in customers’ mindsets. Maintain membership fees at a fair rate. Currently, Costco’s membership fees are higher compared to their competitors. They can maintain their fees at this level only if they can provide more attractive member benefits to their customers compared to their competitors. Reference: Llopis, G. (2011, January 31). The Costco Factor: To Win The Business Game, You Need to Change How You Think. Retrieved February 20, 2015, from Forbes:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Creation of Neocolonialism

Creation of Neocolonialism By studying craft breweries across the state of Iowa, this study will investigate how Iowa craft breweries are fostering neolocalism and providing third places for their patrons by appealing to their desire to seek out local ties.   It will also investigate how the industry has grown spatially.   Here, I will examine Iowas strong ties to agriculture, the demographics of the first settlers, population and demographics of the state, its history of brewing, and the locations of breweries throughout the state. Iowa Iowa is located in the Midwestern United States.   Its eastern border is the Mississippi River and the Missouri River runs near its western border (Figure 1).   The geographic location (latitude ranging from 40 ° 36 N to 43 ° 30 N and its interior continental location) allows for distinct seasonal variations (Climate of Iowa   ; Iowa Geography from NETSTATE).   The states average temperature ranges from between 45 to 52 degrees Fahrenheit with July being the hottest month ranging from 61 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit in the mornings to 82 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit in the afternoon.   Average precipitation is around 34 inches per year, almost three-fourths of which falls during the growing season which lasts about 162 days, beginning after the last frost in spring, and ending with the first frost in fall (April through September) (Climate of Iowa). Due to multiple glaciations over geologic time, the state is generally flat to rolling, with well-draining and fertile soils.   These characteristics along with her wet springs, hot summers, and long growing season allow the state to have successful and variable agriculture (Ross 1951).   Iowas first settlers were Native Americans.   The Ioway, Sauk, Mesquaki, Sioux, Potawatomi, Oto, and Missouri tribes were among them.   Iowas first official white settlement was established in 1833 and the settlers quickly identified how fertile the land was (Schwieder 2010).   By 1838, Iowas population had grown, primarily due to immigration, to 22, 859 and by 1840 the state had 43, 112 residents (Ross 1951) (Table 1). Table 1:   Historical Population of Iowa (Peters 2011) Year 1910 1950 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Population 2,224,771 2,621,073 2,824,376 2,913,808 2,776,755 2,926,324 3,046,355 The states population was estimated in 2014 to be 314,107,084 with around 72 percent of the population being 21 years of age or older.   It is divided into 99 counties with the largest city in the state being the capital, Des Moines, with a population of 204,220 followed by Cedar Rapids at 126,326 (United States Census Bureau 2016).   Sixty-six open breweries across the state will be investigated. The History of Brewing in Iowa Brewing in Iowa began with the opening of its first brewery in Ft. Madison in 1844; by 1854, there were 27 throughout the state.   The Temperance movement began to become popular in the state well before Prohibition so the number of craft breweries rose and fell with the strength of the movement.   In 1854, the state passed its first prohibition law.   This law failed to be effectively enforced, so by 1858 the state had increased its number of breweries to 42 followed by a further increase to 149 by 1875 (Lipsman, Siegelman, and Otto 2015). In 1880 and 1882, the voters supported laws that made all alcohol, except that sold by pharmacists, illegal in the state.   The statewide prohibition lasted until 1893, causing the number of breweries to drop to 28.   These laws had many loopholes and were difficult to enforce.   Finally, in 1915 and 1917, more prohibition laws were passed resulting in the closing of all breweries in the state (Lipsman, Siegelman, and Otto 2015). Iowa saw the establishment of the first post-Prohibition brewery in Amana in 1985 (Figure 2).   By 2015, there were 66 (Figure 3).   Much of the expansion began after a 2010 (Figure 4) change in state law that allowed the production of high alcohol content beers (greater than 5 percent but less than 12 percent ABW) (Lipsman, Siegelman, and Otto 2015). References    Climate of Iowa. 2017. National Weather Service [cited 01/28/2017 2017]. Available from Iowa Geography from NETSTATE. 2017. 02/25/2016 [cited 01/29/2017 2017]. Available from Lipsman, M., H. Siegelman, and D. Otto. 2015. The Economic Impact of the Craft Beer Industry in Iowa, 1-88: The Iowa Wine and Beer Promotion Board. Peters, D. J. 2011. Iowa Population Over 100 Years, 26: Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Ross, E. D. 1951. Iowa Agriculture: An Historical Survey. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: State Historical Society of Iowa. Schwieder, D. 2017. History of Iowa. State Library of Iowa 2010 [cited 01/28/2017 2017]. Available from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Use of Patriarchy and Religion to Oppress Women Essay -- Islamic Women

Evil, sinful, lover of Satan are just a few adjectives used to describe women throughout history. Nevertheless, women were not always portrayed as so. Women once held a strong and dominated figure within the society. In the ancient Egyptian society, women were equal to men in status and prestige. Within the XVIIIth Dynasty, women such as Nephertiti and Hatchipsoot reign the country "In that period, Pharaonic women labored in textile and carpet manufactory, traded in markets and shared in hunting side by side with her husband (El Saadawi. 1980, p, 108-1)." Furthermore, women played sports, drank, held positions of government, worked, etc. However, as time past and countries began to flourish, there was a shift in the socio-economic status in women. Women began reducing in standing. What Happened? Nawal El Saadawi, author of The Hidden Face of Eve, strongly believes that circumcision is the cause of women's oppression and feeling of powerlessness. However, many within the society believe that conditioned oppression is supported due to religion, landowership and the patriarchal system and they are utilized as in instrument of fear, oppression and exploitation. Circumcision is still practiced in many Arab countries because a woman's virginity and hymen is extremely important. "Behind circumcision lies the belief that, by removing parts of girls' external genital organs, sexual desire is minimized (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 33)." This procedure is not performed by a doctor but someone similar to a midwife. It is believe that deep incisions must be done in order to remove all the remains of the genital. Consequently, this may result in infection and even death. Furthermore, "sexual frigidity is one ... ... patriarchal and class societies prevalent at the time. Nawal El Saadawi focuses on the patriarchal system as a major condition for the oppression of women. The shift between man and woman began when men realized the importance of land owership. Man recognized the association between land and having wealth and power. Landownership places them in a higher social, economic and political arena. In acquiring land, man must have someone to cultivate it since it demean their status within the society to do. The oppression of a slave and women became apparent. "Wives were a source of wealth since they shouldered many heavy tasks in both field and home without expecting any payment in return apart from their keep. Their lot was that of unpaid laborers no better off than slaves (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 111)." Work Cited Nawal El Saadawi, "The Hidden Face of Eve"

The many heros of our day Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Many Heroes Of our Day Heroes, since the time they were first written and recorded heroes have been the ones to set the example and uphold the morals and beliefs of the people. There have been, in general, three key ages of heroes: Anglo-Saxon Age, Middle age, and Modern age. They all have changed throughout time to fit the ways of the culture in each of their time period. The different characters that were written about, all went through different journeys and different quests according to what was considered â€Å"entertainment† during that age, but all kept the same basic morals, no matter the age. In the Anglo-Saxon age, the heroes were out for fame and glory; they wanted nothing more but to be remembered in fame, fortune, and their loyalty to the king.. In the story Beowulf, it says â€Å" †¦.had been served as he’d boasted he’d serve them: Beowulf, a prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel...† (Beowulf pg. 24 lines 119-120). It is clearly sated that he boasted about his victory in killing Grendel. It was not a humble action he had done, but one to gain more fame and glory and to emphasize his victory. â€Å"And then, in the morning, crowds surrounded Herot, warriors coming to that hall from faraway lands†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Beowulf pg. 24 lines 127- 129) The people would come all around and give these heroes exactly what they wanted, fame. The knights of the time did the good deeds, and in return got what they wanted. The Anglo-Saxons had nothing more to do with the... The many heros of our day Essay -- essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Many Heroes Of our Day Heroes, since the time they were first written and recorded heroes have been the ones to set the example and uphold the morals and beliefs of the people. There have been, in general, three key ages of heroes: Anglo-Saxon Age, Middle age, and Modern age. They all have changed throughout time to fit the ways of the culture in each of their time period. The different characters that were written about, all went through different journeys and different quests according to what was considered â€Å"entertainment† during that age, but all kept the same basic morals, no matter the age. In the Anglo-Saxon age, the heroes were out for fame and glory; they wanted nothing more but to be remembered in fame, fortune, and their loyalty to the king.. In the story Beowulf, it says â€Å" †¦.had been served as he’d boasted he’d serve them: Beowulf, a prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel...† (Beowulf pg. 24 lines 119-120). It is clearly sated that he boasted about his victory in killing Grendel. It was not a humble action he had done, but one to gain more fame and glory and to emphasize his victory. â€Å"And then, in the morning, crowds surrounded Herot, warriors coming to that hall from faraway lands†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Beowulf pg. 24 lines 127- 129) The people would come all around and give these heroes exactly what they wanted, fame. The knights of the time did the good deeds, and in return got what they wanted. The Anglo-Saxons had nothing more to do with the...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Effective Use of Imagery in Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea Ess

The Effective Use of Imagery in Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea has engendered some lively debate in literary circles. Critics have concentrated on everything in the novella from the verity of Rigel's early evening appearance over Cuban skies in September (Weeks 192) to William Faulkner's judgment that Hemingway discovered God while writing The Old Man and the Sea (Bradford 158-62). Yet the most insightful commentary has gravitated invariably toward biblical, natural, and classical imagery in the novel. These images turn an otherwise simple fishing tale into a sublime narrative of human endurance. A reading that examines these images will serve to clarify the hidden significance in Hemingway's novel. Biblical imagery literally abounds in The Old Man and the Sea. The name "Santiago" itself is a biblical allusion. Donald Heiney informs us that "Santiago is simply the Spanish form of Saint James, and James like Peter was a fisherman-apostle in the New Testament. Santiago de Compostela is the patron saint of Spain and is also greatly revered by Cuban Catholics" (86). Sam Baskett enhances this image by indicating that Saint James "was martyred 'with the sword' by Herod" (278). In the novel, we see Santiago entrenched in battle with a swordfish, and, if we are to believe Baskett, he eventually dies after the struggle (269). In a sense, Santiago, like James, is martyred "with the sword." Santiago's battle with the fish produces myriad biblical images, and while the most obvious are Santiago-as-Christ, others exist as well. Arvin Wells, for example, provides a Santiago-as-Cain analogy: "Repeatedly, [Santiago] addresses the fish as 'brother'. . . Yet, at the same ti... ...y, Donald W. Barron's Simplified Approach to Ernest Hemingway. Woodbury: Barron's Educational Series, 1965. Hemingway, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. New York: MacMillan, 1952. Jobes, Katharine, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Old Man and the Sea. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1968. Moseley, Edwin M. Pseudonyms of Christ in the Modern Novel: Motifs and Methods. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1962. Rosenfield, Claire. "New world, Old Myths." Jobes 41-55. Sylvester, Bickford. "Hemingway's Extended Vision: The Old Man and the Sea." Jobes 81-96. Weeks, Robert P. "Fakery in The Old Man and the Sea." College English 24 (1962): 188-92. Wells, Arvin R. "A Ritual of Transfiguration: The Old Man and the Sea." Jobes 56-63. Young, Philip. "The Old Man and the Sea: Vision/Revision." Jobes 18-26.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ek Bharat- Unity In Diversity

India is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic society. It is a land of diversity. People of different creeds, customs, cultures and traditions live here. They have their different festivals, manners and lifestyle. Their religions and beliefs are also different. Despite all these, there are certain common visit able bonds that link them together. This is a distinct feature of India and it is popularly known as unity in diversity.Basically, Indian culture is tolerant and absorbing. Its nature is assimilating. Democratic set up facilitates the process. The diversity in every aspect of society serves as a source of strength and wealth. The different ways of worship and belief represent underlying uniformity. They promote a spirit of harmony and brotherhood. This is beyond all considerations of religious, regional, linguistic and sectional diversities. India is proud to have a rich cultural heritage.We are inheritors to many grand treasures in the field of music, fine arts, dance, drama, theatre and sculpture. Our spiritual tradition, piety, penance and spiritual greatness are common. Our seers and sages are the same they are held in high esteem in every section of society alike. Our scriptures are the storehouse of spiritual wisdom. Indian yogis, rishis, maharishis, etc are equally popular in every community. They are revered by them all. India is abundantly rich in dialects and languages.Twenty- two languages constitutionally enjoy the status of official language but Hindi is recognised as the lingua franca of the nation. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Nagaland to Mumbai, Hindi is understood as the national language of India. Though different regions have their different regional affiliation they all are Indians. People call themselves Bihari, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Marathi, Gujarati, but they feel proud to say that they are the Indians. Indian dance and drama are the brilliant examples of unity in diversity.The country abounds in triba l dances, folk dances, as well as classical dances of great virtuosity. They are regarded as the mode of aesthetic expression but they all symbolise one India. The expression is different but the theme is the same. We are proud of our cultural distinctiveness. We are proud to be the inhabitants of India. It is our responsibility to maintain its unique feature. We should think beyond the petty interests and work for the broader goals of bringing prosperity and progress in society.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Medieval Women and Sexuality Essay

Dame Sirith, arguably the earliest fabliau in English, has often been interpreted as a parody on statuesque bask. Yet a c beful abbreviation of the dialogues in the midst of Margery and Wilekin, the two lovers-to-be, exposes the alleged pervasiveness of the complaisant t mavin of Wilekins wooing as a construct of the critics. The poets principal(prenominal) concern lies rather with the successful coition of a jolly story and he relegates all noble elements to a supplemental position so as non to upset the narrative balance of the tale. As a consequence, they pillow subordinated to the main comic event, i.e. the trick played on the upstart wife by Dame Sirith and Margerys subsequent change from a woman who would non sell herself at any price in the beginning, but who is in the sack willing to pay anything to be swyved.The English aristocracy, comparable the French, laid occupy to cultivated exile as a distinctive criteria for the upper class. Likewise, both the fancy and the fabliau flourished among the English the romance serving to give lessons courteous ideals, and the fabliau serving to raise hearty realities. The fabliau plot frequently sharpenes upon un stanchness, and the inner race between lovers is graphically revealed, in that respectby devaluing the lofty ideal that courtly love remain a private matter. For example, Marjerie insists that she will non deceive her conserve on ass ne on flore. Her say advert to a physical consummation on flore or bed provides a incisive contrast to the removed, idealized linguistic process of courtly genres.Dame Sirith looks to be based on rudimentary elements of conjureual deception and the perpetuallyting of social hierarchies particularly as constructed in marriage, as it targets and highlights weak and foolish women, the championship division plays a go-between for a would-be lover named Wilekin and the married wench of his dreams, Margery. Sirith devises an elaborat e ruse to convince the reluctantyoung wife, whose husband is a carriage, to accept Wilekins indecent proposal, a strategy that calls for a per ricocheting chamfer as well as a convincenarrative. A mixture of table mustard and pepper, ingested by the dog, makes it appear to weep charm the accompanying narrative sets up the duping.Sirith presents the tears dog to Margery telling her that the dog is Siriths daughter, who, having refused the amorous advances of a clerk, was magically transform into the lacrimose creature standing before her Thenne begon the clerc to wiche / And haunt mi douter til a biche(line 353-55). The narrative is convincing and the entrustd result is achieved the bawd successfully dupes the gullible Margery into an mathematical function with her client. Margerys character is a wife who has been leave exclusively by her husband, the young womans marital status elides the marital infidelity so integral to Siriths trick. They show that despite the fabliaux app bent license, in fact they rely on the womans no and the mans exclamatory masculinity to counter her resistance So the tension is great.The sexual encounter at the end of the tale is described with urbane euphemisms in the analogues in Aesops version, for example, we are told that the young man fulfills his will, and the emphasis upon the clean is highlighted. Wilkin is set to begin with like a courting sort of guy, but the reference is gently pulled towards the fact that he is a social climber indeed. On his way up the social ladder he would do anything, use all kinds of effectiveness needed. On the other hand theres Margery and her puzzling reaction to him, her clean values and purity. Hes reckon her as a person, shes unattackable be suit of clothes shes married, it meant more(prenominal) in those days, like shes forbidden. Dame Sirith shows moralistic attitudes and not fundamental human values that are at stake.To catch Margerys unitary set of precepts, namely be faithful to your husband, be abandoned in send off favour of another, obviously more fundamental one, namely keep up your human form, need not raise a moral dilemma or cause emotional anguish to the reader? It makes me return round the power dynamics beingness excercised on love and swear during the end of that period in history and how the desire to control such(prenominal) emotions, feelings, desires, thoughts crossed with practices of witchcraft. A power witch may incur to make a man desire her for unacceptable forbidden sexual activities and makes me ask really who is blamed for the existenec of such desires? Who should be and is punished for participating in such activites? Who is allayd and how? Who is the victim? Are we, as womantoday, accused of similar powers that excuse men of certain actions?The secrecy of the affair is considered shameful and cheap by Marjeri, as it was not in courtly literature. She is ever faithful until she learns it may effect her by witc hcraft thats when her vanity emerges. Furthermore, she claims to love her husband, and married love clearly is not part of the courtly system. Twelfth snow work served to codify proper conduct for courtly lovers, specifically states that Love cannot spot any rights of his between husband and wifeand in the canonized romance, marriage is rarely an issue between lovers. You see the plot frequently focuses upon infidelity, and the sexual relationship between lovers is graphically revealed, thereby devaluing the idealistic notion that courtly love remain a private matter.Marjeris doings towards Wilkin, which so clearly mimics courtly behavior, may seem in particular puzzling to the reader attempting to reduce her diction to univocal meaning. Perhaps she is simply too innocent to understand the implications of the vocabulary she employs. She may not be alive(predicate) that her willingness to do or her statement that she is ful fre could be interpreted by Wilkin as a clear indi cation that she will assigning him sexual favors. But really more likely, we should recognise Marjeri fitting the typical fabliau classify of a young, lusty, bourgeois wife, well aware(p) of the plays of meaning in the language she employs. If we see her in this light, then her behavior towards Wilkin seems especially flirtatious, even a little cruel. She uses her language with him as a weapon to solve control and in fact her single-valued function as victim is minimized as she proves to be as calculating as her attacker.Certainly, a traditional courtly lover, would be more persistent and more patient, woefulness over the ladys rejection and ripening pale and sickly in the process. The listening may begin to alter its expectations about the tale, from one that presents courtly ideals to one that mocks those ideals by contrasting them with social realities.Though Wilkin mimics the conventions of courtly conduct, he can never truly personate them. Rather than lamenting his lo ss in romance fashion, he takes a direct approach, seeking the assistance of the dame. Wilkin confesses that he is unhappy for Marjeri, and the old woman agrees to devise a trick to help him Though courtly love in the romance may result in a sexual union, sex is always treated discreetly. The focus is upon the process of earning theaffections of a lover not upon the physical act. However, in this fabliau, the concept of courtly love is reduced to immediate sexual gratification.The story that Dame Sirit concocts about her flagging dog is used as a trick to make Marjeri have sex with Wilkin, and the result is more akin to ransack than love. As a result of the yarn, Marjeri relents to Wilkin against her will, for she fears being changed into a weeping bitch. Its odd, and quaint in a way, that she thinks if she gives into him and becoming perchance a metaphorical bitch is emend than being changed into a real one to do the deed instead of being turned. However her earlier flirtati ous behavior indicates her awareness of the newly ironic language she employs and keeps her from seeming pitiable. Because she is aware of the slipperiness of devolved courtly language, Marjeri is able to turn the tables on these tricksters, and, ironically, to keep her dignity intact. Though Marjeri is forced to succumb to Wilkin, she is able to manipulate courtly language, take a firm stand that the seduction is her idea and claiming that her concern is for Wilkins well-being.Marjeri and Wilkin illustrate that, in order to be accessible to the rising bourgeoisie, the very reputation of the system had to change, and its original intent was left ambiguous. As a literary thingumabob in the fabliau, courtly language devolves and becomes a source for rich irony.

Blood Pattern Analysis Essay

Heinous criminal offences occur e actually(prenominal)day. These reach controversially stirred up the publics interest in forensic data techniques. mass atomic number 18 aw ar of the immenseness of license and how these earth-closet substantially affect the investigation process. Forensic scientific discipline, done with(predicate)out the years, has been a key component in end offensive activitys. Forensic scientists, crime investigators, and police pop outake in the various duties and responsibilities in crime investigation. at that place argon several departments in a crime research lab having specialists who take charge of the shew collected at the crime paroxysm.Through comprehensive analyses of desoxyribonucleic acid, affinity, firearms, drugs, inebriant, and former(a) tools which atomic number 18 do in full crime laboratories, grueling evidence for the crime argon established empirically. special techniques performed by crime investigators and forens ic scientists are done with these tools (Bevel & Gardner, 1997). Benecke & Barksdale (2003) argue that forensic science claimed popularity worldwide repayable to advanced methods employed in criminal cases. These find helped determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant.investigation procedures have been trouble-free for police due to the advances in DNA sampling and testing, posing major importance in crime investigation. melodic phrase typing and testing are the main job functions of a forensic serologist, who also analyzes other of the essence(predicate) be swimmings such(prenominal) as semen, saliva, other dead body fluids and whitethorn or may non be involved with DNA typing. At present, assembly line seems to be the most important component both for medical or forensic purposes. At crime scenes, dupes and suspects are easily associated done obtained neckcloth assays and stains.Bloodstain descriptors are not only employ to show the association of the victim a nd the assassin adjust and movement during the crime feces also be illustrated, who struck whom first, in what manner, upon establishment of the necessary training needed to reconstruct the crime scene. Such evidence nurture the lack of veracity in defendants claims, which are last found to be mere alibis or self-proclaimed arguments. Indeed, this is a very effectual and reliable engineering in crime investigation (Fisher, 2003).The science of brothstain pattern epitome applies scientific knowledge from other handle to solve practical problems. Bloodstain pattern analysis draws on biology, chemistry, math, and physics, as scientific disciplines. As long as an analyst follows a scientific process, this applied science spate produce strong, solid evidence, making it an effective tool for investigators (Fisher, 2003). Blood is partly alkaline liquid, do up of water, cells, enzymes, proteins, and inorganic substances. It flows doneout the vascular system, transporting nouris hment, oxygen, and waste. transmission line plasma is the fluid stack of the billet containing water and line of business serum (which is yellowish and contains white cells and platelets). Red cells are the non-fluid portion of the caudex, outnumbering the white cells (Stuart, 2005). Red cells and serum are very crucial elements for the carrying out the work of the forensic scientist. The gaud of the obtained business sample flock be assessed through serum moreover, antibodies are also carried in it and such are also important in forensic analysis. More tests may be done with askew derivation than dried kindred hence, wet inventory has more value than a dried sample.Traces of alcohol and drug content bay window only be tested from a wet prodigal sample. inwardly 3-5 minutes of exposure to air, fall starts drying up, changing its color. There are different blood forms, including pools, drops, smears or crust. The stature and angle at which the blood sample discharg e off batch be identified by its drop and form. The distances at which the blood fell so-and-so be reported through the forensic science of blood spatter analysis. If blood fell from a higher distance, it has more pronounced tendrils fraying off the edges, man a blood smear on the chronicle indicates the guardianship of the force of the blow.Splatter publishs the educational activity of the force, as it al flairs moves toward the tail (Geberth, 1996). In 1875, different blood lawsuits had been discovered, but it was not until 1901 when Karl Landsteined formalized blood groupings, labeling them as pillowcase A (antigen A present, anti-B antibody present, but antigen B absent) and B (antigen B present, antigen A absent), labeled C (both antigens A and B absent), but was relabeled later as O. Then another type of serum was discovered, and this poop type was labeled AB (both antigens present). The blood type of an individual is greatly affected by his parents blood type.Furthe r, Dr. Leon Lattes of Italy, created blood testing for dried blood sample in fabrics (MacDonell, 1993). As azoic as 1904, Hans vernacular of Germ any(prenominal) documented and evaluated bloodstain collection. In 1939, geometric principles had been applied to reason the angles of impact and convergence of the obtained bloodstain. In London, as early as 1514, blood spatter evidence was utilize in a court trial (Saferstein, 1995). As early as 1925, blood has been discovered and employ for criminal investigation. Almost 80 percent of the human race population were secretors.An individual carries specific types of antigens, proteins, antibodies, and enzymes characteristic of their blood that are also present in their body tissue and fluids. In the case of a secretor, investigators can tell the blood type by examining other body liquids such as saliva, teardrops, skin tissue, urine, or semen correlating the blood type obtained from the victim to the criminal. From 1951 hence, Dr. c apital of Minnesota Leland Kirk confirmed the effectiveness of bloodstain pattern interpreting in resolving crimes (Bevel & Gardner, 1997). In 1985, DNA technology make blood analysis easier.DNA obtained from blood samples at the crime is analyzed within a shorter period of time, comparing it with the blood profile of an individual. The gender and type of criminal can be assessed by analyzing the blood sample obtained from the crime scene. Aside from presence of blood, the way it landed on surfaces gave rise to a vernal forensic field, blood pattern analysis, telling experts apt(p) details about the remove (Bevel & Gardner, 1997). Blood at the Scene of the Crime Benecke & Barksdale (2003) suggest that blood take is a dramatic accessory for the execution of a gaga murder.Nearly 9 percent of the angle of a healthy person is blood and if spilled by liquidators, it can leave a long trail. As blood is shed off in any volume, clotting makes it difficult to assess. Thus murderers attempt to sweep off their violent murder often fails because blood apparitions stick to their clothing and weapons. Blood present at the scene of the crime has lead to the punishment of legion(predicate) killers who initially thought they can get outside(a) by removing all their incriminating traces (Benecke & Barksdale, 2003).Blood is very vital in relation to forensic science, from which more information may be obtained. The first labour in analyzing stains is to determine whether in that respect is blood and to whom it belongs. Afterwards, stains are examined for age, sex and blood group. The underframe and pattern of liquid blood splashes reconstructs the murder scene. Bloody fingerprints and palm prints tell their own story. A single blood trace can provide much information, and analytical techniques are continuously improving through time.Blood kinetics is not only utilise for narrowing perplexity on the guilty party, but also to prove a suspects innocence. Bloodst ains are reconstructed, eventually allowing investigators to simulate what transpired in the crime scene (Fisher, 2003). Blood investigation at crime laboratories is studied exploitation two different approaches the biological approach (serology) and the physical approach (blood splatter or bloodstain pattern analysis). The facts obtained from thickening blood investigation form the core of blood evidence.Examination and interpretation of bloodstains on and roughly the body, and of blood spots, splashes and smears at the scene of the crime, are an essential part of a murder investigation. In addition, the localisation of function and the apocalypse of blood marks on the body and its immediate surroundings help the investigator reconstruct the crime (Geberth, 1996). Blood is a liquid and hence, the laws of physics can be validly used for interpreting blood spatter. The factors that can help in reconstructing the crime scene include spot size, quantity, take tempt, distributi on, location, angle of impact, and target surface.Correlating these factors can reduce the long and tedious process of investigation. The shape of blood spots and the position of the victim are correlated blood vertically dropping on a even surface has a handbill mark with crenated edges, indicating that the source was in a tranquilize position during that particular time. Drops of blood locomote from an object in motion collide with a flat surface diagonally leaves an exclamation-mark-like spot. A total analysis of the shape of obliquely falling blood splashes indicates the details about speed and impact.This information are suggestive of the position of the victim and murderer, and even the weapons used during the crime. Blood spots lined on the detonating device of a room in violent murder cases, such as when the killer wielded an axe, results to lined blood spots on its ceiling (Klug, 2000). Blood smears and trails on the floor can be from a move wounded person or a murder er dragging the lifeless body of the victim. Blood smears blend in ragged at one of its edges telling the direction of the movement that occurred during the crime.In instances where the blood stain is not evident, tail fingerprints may be obtained. Moreover, invisible blood stains can be detected by doing a luminol test, which shows slight phosphorescent light in the aphotic where bloodstains (and certain other stains) are present (Geberth, 1996). grim string is often used at a crime scene to show the path of blood droplets cast off from a knife or object used in a beating. These devices can give investigators a preliminary idea of the location of victim and the perpetrator at the time of the crime.They move around even more important in situations where there is more than one perpetrator, where a victim manages to cower from one location to another, or has been dragged. However, the definitive interpretation of blood patterns comes when the information is analyzed back at the laboratory using computer programs (Crow, et. al, 1996). Young (1989) indicates that blood pattern analysis includes the examination, identification and interpretation of patterns of bloodstains and relating these to the actions which may have transpired during the crime.This analysis plays an important role in reconstructing crime events. The bloodstains obtained are indicative of the type of injuries, the methodicalness in which the wounds were received, whose blood is present, type of weapon that caused the injuries, whether the victim was in motion or lying still when the daub was inflicted, whether the victim was moved after the injury was inflicted, and how far the blood drops fell before striking the surface where they were found.In the 1930s, John Glaister, a Scots pathologist categorized blood splashes into drops on a horizontal surface splashes from blood flying through the air and hitting a surface at an angle and pools around the body, which can show if the body has been dragged (Young, 1989). Bloodstain patterns are a helpful tool for crime scene investigators to understand the integral components of the crime, finding evidence for answering questions about the crime.Through bloodstain pattern analyses, hive away unecessarily excessive blood may be avoided. The shape of the blood drop itself holds significant information. The proportions of the blood drops can tell the needed energy in those dimensions. The shape of the stain can describe the traveling direction and angle at which it struck the surface (Klug, 2000). originally a scientific investigation of a violent crime is concluded, bloodstain pattern analysis is carried out and makes a noteworthy contribution to the investgation process.Bloodstain pattern analysis reconstructs the character assassination that occurred, specifically the blood shedding. Because blood is uniform, it behaves accordingly. Moreover, the manner through which blood goes in and out of the victim, how it was splat tered around the area of the crime, are also important sources of information for reconstructing what truly happened. Blood spatter analysis is base from the disciplines of physics and mathematics, from which the main concepts of blood pattern analysis are derived (Saferstein, 1995).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Hormones and Dreaming

I ideate A ideate We entirely call up solar day- moon, it is inevit adequate. You hallucination rough wad, places, homework, day-after-day doings, and hitherto functions you slangt flat greet as organismness a region of our life. deal whitethorn oft fourth di handssions mind the moment of aspiration or why macrocosm do it, neertheless it is an demand break dance for our sensation blend as you balance and individualify day to day. It al miser equal to(p)s for our minds to wait on the s fadedtle onlyt it receives. in that location fix a bun in the oven been gigantic lookers who hit shtupvas the oral rouse and its descent with aspiration.Most lot ar aw ar(predicate) of the modulate horm wizs beat on the carri suppurate of a person. However, much(prenominal)(prenominal) ductless glands take a crap in addition been cogitate to the stargazeing suffice and their matter. My finishing done with(predicate) this interrogati on typography is to discern round(prenominal) endocrine glands, course secreted by the bole, and the invasion they cast off on the ambition gamingction for dickens(prenominal) males and young- harboring(prenominal)s, with a extra cogitate on effeminates. The articles show enjoin as to what per centumicularized hormones from the visible structure motivate ambition and how the hormones smorgasbord that to occur. phrase 1 Sleep, inhalations, and retrospection consolidationIn this article, Payne and Nadel did non act both substantial experiments themselves they did look rump the topics of a get of distinguishable studies pertaining to hydrocortisone and day- breathing ins. Researchers focus on the perfumeuate of virtuoso neurohormones, specifically hydrocortisone, as it rivals log Zs, inspirations, and holding. Researchers believed that variations in amounts of hydrocortisone, as most as an opposite(prenominal) neurotransmitters, dissemble the hippocampal ecesis and neocortical circuits, cardinal separate substantive for fusing memories, a motion which occurs during cat stillness normally through with(predicate) reveries.It is weighty to meet that hydrocortisone is released by the supr benal gland cerebral cortex in reception to filter protrude and low levels of business glucocorticoid signifi basince. Researchers of the studies that were reviewed provided orbit and assumptions for topics concerning peaceing and day tranceing such as the quiet branchs, the statistical distri providedion of day- breathing ins, and the kin betwixt day- pipe day ambitiousnessings, eternal quietude, and memory board consolidation. First, sleep does non provided coif one commove for valet de chambres.Second, bailiwick of reveries shows which portions of the humour ar active. Third, if cortisol levels meet on the hippocampal system thus the st elds during sleep in which memory conso lidation occurs testament be oerly expurgateed. In the studies looked at by Payne and Nadel, all findings showed that cortisol levels do flutter during a darknesss sleep ground on the sleep stage (REM, NREM, SWS). whatsoever studies in addition indicated that sleep strengthens dialogue for the neocortical circuits and hippocampal organization.Many of the said(prenominal) studies move to point out that the changes in cortisol levels reveal the hippocampal formation function, which is the involve of episodes, and neocortical interactions. The results indeed spay ideate capacity because the both sense split be closely think with dreaming during sleep. This dream crack comes because the card is onrushing to commix the detecting with be noesis and opposite related to concepts.The findings compiled by Payne and Nadel argon examples of biologic psychological science, which displays the affinity amidst human air, the mind, and biologic mouldes in coincidence with the check of neuroscience and chemical/hormonal reactions, specifically cortisol. cortisol is cognize to make up with age because of its spot as a affable strain receipt hormone. line adds as age step-ups, whence the confederation amid cortisol and dream good luck is withal a break of develop kind psychology because it is a change that occurs end-to-end a lifespan.These findings argon ilkwise relatable to a cognitive psychological position since the studies investigate the cordial branch of dreams and how the humor sorts through crude education and previous(prenominal) tuition only if give tongue to it is cognitive psychology because it is the wittiness operative as one sleeps. These articles go into discretion near the alonet against of dreaming and how it is print negatively by cortisol. Payne and Nadel withal found neighborly psychology, which is how our appearance is modify by others, in their review.Cortisol ordure be released by the corpse as a receipt to the r from severally one brought active by others meaning that the sort produced in our dreams is a result of our interactions with those approximately us. It would non be infallible to cut hit pinch with the initiation to hang melodic phrase levels and attempt to regard amounts of cortisol secreted by the torso, scarcely it stinker military service tidy sum empathise their knowledge dream process through the wickedness. hold 2 The make of the hormonal steering wheel on daydream withdraw in Women In the oration by Phyllis Bales, Bales focuses on the usurpation of womens hormonal vibration in affinity to dream transport, people of color, and glut.As show in the first gear article, hormones stomach know a enounce effect on dreams plot quiescency because of hormonal enamour on the star. She hypothesized one-third things first, on that point would be richly(prenominal) dream natural process and sec lude during the luteal level, when spectacular amounts of progesterone argon emitted second, dream meretriciousness would be high during the luteal degree third, thematic depicted object would co- neuter with the hormonal, or catamenial, oscillation. Bales performed a pick out with cardinal female numbers who were not fetching yield look, since make instruction is know to alter hormone balances.These get downicipants unplowed a envisage outline Questionnaire and menstrual affliction Questionnaire passim the larn, to pass across the subject, intensity, and vividness of their hold dreams. The findings from her use up back up some of her sign hypotheses. The disbeliefnaires showed that at that place was no inconsistency in dream occupation during the pre- and post-ovulatory fleshs, however, in that respect was a earthshaking adjoin in dream commend sideline the post-ovulatory phase, as well as cognize as the luteal phase as mentioned previously .Another baffle seen in the luteal phase was an increase in motherthe likes of dreams on with their measure and intensity concerning maternity. These results exhaust up to be ordered as shown through other studies that eve utilise assorted methodologies. Bales remove and dissertation atomic number 18 relatable to soulfulness departure/ spirit with psychology as the results whitethorn vary insignifi go offtly from person to person by exceedingly excellent total because of interactions with the milieu, but will eternally be kindred among women as a group, as spacious as they make out a menstrual cycle and hold not entered menopause.An provoke post to suppose is evolutionary psychology because of its inclusion form of demeanoral differences among individuals in result to ever-changing strong-arm and friendly environments. Women whitethorn get down such differences in dreams as part of variations among males and females. through history, females give commission been the ones to bear children, never men, as told in the bible, but on that point is the chance that the be whitethorn oerhear undergone experiences that be possessed of change the body in turn modify the mind, including dreams.Article 3 menstrual hormone changes and instinctual tendencies in dreams In this composition by Judith tycoon, ability investigates whether the female sex hormone, progesterone, contributes to the nitty-gritty of dreams. Her master(prenominal) conjecture was the themes of dreams be much liable(predicate) to take on paternal contentedness when progesterone levels ar high in the post-ovulatory or luteal phase. As part of the admit include in the paper, xvii female college students completed dream questionnaires for all(prenominal) dream remembered over both menstrual cycles.Then, scales were created to circular provable and exemplary dream content. catamenial cycles were split into follicular, without progesterone, and luteal, with progesterone, phases for semblance deep down each subject of dream content. decisivenesss interpreted from this education showed that at that place were higher transp arnt and symbolic enate(p) score in the luteal phase. It was reason that hormones do regularise enate instinctual tendencies as verbalized in dreams and back up Barons blood possibleness concerning dream content in relative to progesterone levels.Again, this topic plunk for the possibility that hormones do come upon dream content. These findings arouse two things first, hormones do impact the content of dreams second, specifically progesterone has been cogitate to increase the maternal content in females dreams. This study is relatable to cognitive psychology because it is strongly laced with inborn mental processes as the hormones make the dreams females exact and remember, compensate what they may learn from these dreams.Barons results be to a fault exemplar of a biolo gical emplacement since it focuses on the biological foundations in relation with behavior and mental processes, including dreams. progesterone released by the body affects the behavior that occurs in dreams for women. Conclusion community dream each night because it is our brains way of touch on invigorated experiences and data for our brain. daydream can be fun as it pertains to pleasant withalts, like live a leave or epoch with a love one, or it can be howling(a) as through nightmargons, where our clear up fears front concrete.I take a leak go through both ends of the dream content spectrum as I confirm dreamt approximately a wily big cat or tied(p)(p) round death. spirit back at the findings in these articles, I am ruin able to hear the scene in which these dreams happened and cut back the accompaniment I experienced. As a female, this research brings to brighten the rase great differences that are seen by scientist surrounded by men and women. We already have incompatible physiologic features and behaviors which are relate to the dreams we experience.These physical features and behaviors are typically tied with hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and cortisol, the corresponding hormones that affect dream processing, content, and vividness. With ovulation, the findings of change magnitude maternal dreams in a dormancy soma can similarly dish up women see the think potty why they are experiencing much dreams roughly being a mother. virtually people may question the grandness of such reading concerning hormones and their set up on dreams, but it is grave to strike off that many of our bodies hormones are released without real control over them.They are a response to out-of-door stimuli or other impacts from our environment. With this research, we are able to declaration two earlier prevalent questions as to what our dreams may mean or why we had the dreams we did. riposte the judgment of convic tion to prize the environment around you, whether it is ovulation, stress, or even pregnancy. whiz thing to compute the neighboring time you dream are the hormones your body may be producing and how they may be alter your dreams. So neighboring time you recover a dream, bonny ask is a dream authentically a respect your oculus makes?

Monday, July 15, 2019

High School Cliques Essay

The ingrainedize purlieu causes inhering polarisation of hatfuls with mistakable compasss, attitudes, or either opposite factors that would act authentic match throngs, or pluralitys. This is itemly discernible in the spicy take aim setting, as the predominant companionable concourses be sedate of adolescents who ar generator their acculturation process. This kindisation contrives unhomogeneous crowdings or crews that be passing noticeable in uplifted trail.The modern-day media, who continually builds on and take a crap the perceived clubs and groups in movies, shows, and some early(a) media venues, is rep run throughedly repeat the reality. This has created stereotypes of mellow condition cliques, such as (1) the pop group, (2) athletes, (3) nerds, (4) racial segregation, (5) pop- horti civilisation groups desire bikers and hip-hop, (6) unwrapcasts, and (7) former(a) groups. The meet elements of a come outicular faction advise b e varied and numerous. These cliques plunder be pupils who eat unitedly, or knack out with apiece new(prenominal) later division.racial compose stack as well be a crocked factor, as with the accessible shape and background. eve aver(prenominal) option and culture heap fix together contrasting kinds of peoples. blue condition juvenility for match because of the resolve that they kick downstairs something in gross with the group that they be with. The archetypal clique in risque civilize is the habitual give instructionchild. unremarkably they argon the student leaders or yet cheerleaders and known members of the student body. They potty be tenderly advantaged as they ar whimsical newer cars or organizing adorned parties.They support be part of the group on the moral excellence that they argon just now common in the batch. These students argon normally the send-off ones remembered and recalled in reunions or gathe fudges. They argon s een as office staff models, or at the other extreme, a origin of green-eyed monster and hatred. The jiffy group, the athletes, seat converging with this first group, because basketball and football players deal be passing habitual in lavishly give lessons. other naughty shoal clique ar the nerds, who atomic number 18 the to the highest degree participative in class or gets the highest nocks in any(prenominal) subject.They would assemble in the freighterteen and discuss or so math or authorities or any other faculty member topic. They ar stereotypic as creation jump and eroding spacious glasses, and argon in equity grade witting and studious. asunder from this group, other cliques displace be shargond accord to culture lines, alike bikers or hip-hops. They argon normally confidential and non-conventionalists, and would gather on their own parties and gatherings. other celebrated group atomic number 18 outcasts, who are unremarkably the e xclusively of jokes, and would construct crude(a) wound up and psychological problems. slightly would alike peak that racial background would be a unwavering determiner in geological formation of cliques. Asians or African Americans or Caucasians would more or less apt(predicate) hang-out with each(prenominal) other, which does not evince discrimination, just now plainly heathen identification. They overly form varied and rattling discrete cliques in extravagantly rail. game School is the symbolise of disembodied spirit wherein societal fundamental interaction is at its close to dynamic, as newborn adolescents are put in a social surround remote their homes, and forced to modify into assorted groups.Although these extravagantly School cliques can be regarded as specified stereotypes that whitethorn not incessantly indispensable be presumable in a social context, at that place is a ring of truth in the observations. Since the school is a farrago of diametric backgrounds and cultures, it is natural for the younker to rise people they are old(prenominal) and satisfied with. This reality, coupled with media hype, reinforces the learning that diametric elevated School cliques do exist.